How A Students From UNIMED Manages Her Own Online Store,

How A Students From UNIMED Manages Her Own Online Store, – Online Shop is a website or application that sells goods or services over the internet. Shopping online shopping is the act of buying products or services from merchants on the Internet. “ has been around since 2019”; Ms. Anggi Novita Sari, the owner of this online store and also a student of UNIMED said. This online shop sells various products namely perfume, clothes, accessories, etc. “I opened this business because it is practical and flexible. It will be easier to record sales because the transaction records are recorded online; Consumers can also buy goods anytime and anywhere; because our store is open for twenty-four hours,”.

From my interview on Sunday, September 25, 2022, I got profit data from sales from April to August 2022, as follows

The review demonstrates that attitudes toward online shopping and intentions to shop online are influenced by exogenous factors as well as endogenous factors like consumer traits, situational factors, product characteristics, prior online shopping experiences, and trust in online shopping. These exogenous factors include ease of use, usefulness, and enjoyment ( Monsuwé, Perea y 2004).

It can be concluded that the sales rate of this shop always significantly rise every month. Of course this can not be achieved in one day. Anggi Novita Sari as an owner, faces a lot of obstacles; ” of course our sales are not always smooth, many obstacles such as technical errors, untidy transactions, fierce competition, lack of confidence in me as a seller, and fraud from buyers I experienced a lot.”. Because of the determination, the sales of this shop significantly arise every month. The hard work and patience of the seller paid off well.


Perea y Monsuwé, T., Dellaert, B.G.C. and de Ruyter, K. (2004), “What drives consumers to shop online? A literature review”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 15 . 1, pp. 102-121.

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