– 10 Successful Entrepreneur Skills: Are you an entrepreneur who is preparing a new venture and want to be successful in business?
Here are 10 skills you need to know to make your business impactful and meaningful from Finansialku. Choose one of them which you can focus on developing according to your talent and passion.
10 Successful Entrepreneur Skills Needs (Part 1)
10 or 20 years from now people from around the world, especially young people will involve in the new era of entrepreneurship.
With the digital revolution (the new invention of high technology in terms of speed and quality, such as 5G, nano or biotechnology), young entrepreneurs will become more interdependent and interconnected.
The old barriers that entrepreneurs used to deal with such as geographical limitations and access to information are shrinking if not disappearing.
This also means that creative and relevant solutions to global and local problems are available, because of the global spread of entrepreneurs who could collaborate to venture business with social impact.
Since the heart of this new era is technology, then the quality of mindset from an individual is a necessity. This requires a mode of thinking outside the problem an entrepreneur tries to solve in his/her particular context.
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That is by putting the confidence in the higher values that transcend the capacity of an individual to do good things, by admitting and embracing his/her vulnerability as a human being. Thus it will create a community that can interact with new technology in a creative and transformative way.
With this picture in mind, entrepreneurs require a set of skills to help them build and grow the venture that is impactful yet meaningful.
#1 Complex Problem Solving
Interconnected and interdependent characteristics of a business system create complex problems.
Your ability to understand the environment, uncertainty, and change of the system, simplify complex problems and devise solutions that combine the digital technology, environment, and creative ideas are critical, especially when lacking certain resources.
#2 Critical Thinking
As human beings, our tendency is making judgments or conclusions based on biases (such as a half-backed, uninformed opinion, gossip, emotion or feeling) and not on a process of a deep understanding.
Sometimes this happens spontaneously without people realizing it. And this will affect the decision they make.
In the era where the flow of information is very fast, it is critical to judge and decide on the data with wide or deep understanding. It is a difficult skill that requires continual practices yet it can be done.
Another important element related to this skill is emotional intelligence. In this context, it is a skill to embrace your feelings especially those you used to reject or deny. That is, to be honest about the feeling you experience and to ask how this emotion will influence you to make a decision.
Critical thinking play significant role in the experiment process to test the water of a product before a business launch it.
[Read: 8 Entrepreneurial Mindset: Behind The Mind of An Entrepreneur]
#3 Service
Service is a part of your business element that express your concern and care for the need of the potential customers.
In the service, you create and deliver a value you believe will not only solve the problems but also transform the customers.
#4 Flexibility
How flexible you are in managing priority when there is any uncertainty or sudden problem happens.
And how flexible you are in adapting your business with the changing technology or environment such as your willingness to change the payment system to adapt to new demands of customers who use mobile phones to do transactions.
#5 Negotiation
Entrepreneurs oftentimes deal with situations where they need to make various decisions particularly the difficult ones that affect both you and your business partners or customers.
Therefore, the ability to consider expectation, need, challenge, and limitations from other parties’ points of view without ignoring your goals or interest is required. That is to come up with a win-win solution that is agreeable for all parties involved.