How to Get Rich in 9 Simple Steps You Can Start Now – You probably wonder ‘How to Get Rich’? Well, aside from fixing your habits, here are some things you can do now to get rich.

However, what’s necessary on the journey is a way of thinking. In his book Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant, Robert T. Kiyosaki mentioned that:

“It’s not what you have to do that needs to change. It’s first how you think that needs to change. In other words, it’s who you have to be in order to do what needs to be done.”

Many wealthy people in the world start from scratch. Some of the world’s self-made billionaires took more than 5 years to hit their first million dollars. Facebook and Alibaba successfully made it less than that.

Though become rich doesn’t happen overnight, the ways are not as complicated or complex as some might think.

If you want to be rich, here are some simple actions to help you accelerate in making money and building your wealth. How to get rich? Let’s take a look!

#1 Pay Off Your Debts

Focus on paying off your debt while growing your money. One practical way to do it faster is by adding income streams.

If you are an employee or self-employed, you could choose several passive income jobs that provide flexibility for your schedule.

Today, there are a lot of online gigs are accessible 24/7 anywhere with a decent return. Here are some works from home jobs that provide freelance or part-time jobs.

[Read: 8 Passive Income Online To Get Your Financial Freedom]

One of the causes that generate debt is the money you ‘borrowed’ to buy goods that easily depreciate, such as gadgets; to take loans on vacation; or subscription for some TV channels.

To avoid consumptive debt, you need to prioritize your expenses and create a budget.

#2 Create A Budget

Creating a budget is a way to control your spending. It is a tool to keep an eye on where you spend most of the money. Having a budget monthly will help you manage your expenses wisely.

It keeps you from overspending and living within your means. In the long run, you would save more from cutting out unnecessary expenses.

You can get a help from Finansialku apps, and Indonesian financial planning apps, to manage your money and make your budgets.

#3 Invest in Skill and Talent

Your self is your own and unique valuable asset to accumulate wealth.

By upgrading your skill and talent, rounding off education whether it’s formal or informal, you can secure a high-paying job and create assets to meet the opportunity to grow your money.

[Read: High-Paying Banking And Finance Industries for Entry Levels 2019]

Building skills indeed take a lot of practice and time. Start from the skills that fit your passion and could generate your income.

You might want to consider an online course for the specialty you wish to develop with a low-cost and flexible time.

#4 Diversify Your Investment

To accelerate the growth of investment, diversify your assets. Don’t put it into one basket.

As you know, diversifying could be a protection against inflation, financial crisis, high volatility or period of uncertainty in the market. Various investment products are available today.

You can invest in paper assets such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, cash, copyright, and patent, as well as real assets such as precious metals, luxury goods, business, and real estate.

Please be mind that these assets have their own risk.

By having specific financial goals and understanding your risk tolerance, you would be able to choose the right investment for you.

Since your goal is to become rich, choose assets that bring you a higher return and in line with your budget.

However, the higher the return of an investment, the higher the risk. So be sure that you could manage the risk of your investment.

#5 Start Investing Now

If you are still in the 20s or 30s, you have more ways to go in creating and growing wealth. There are plenty of opportunities you could discover on the journey. No matter how much money you have, you can invest now.

Even with a small budget, you can raise income 10 to 20% out of it.

There are false understanding people has about investing. They tend to say, “I will start investing if I have this amount of money” or “If I were debt-free and got a raise in my salary then I’d put the money in the basket”.

That is a passive way of investing. Start with what you have now, even if it is only Rp50.000 (approx. US$3,5) or Rp100.000 (approx. US$7).

In addition, the value of money is diminishing every year. Therefore, if you start now you’d get more money than if you do later.

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